Why Us

Why Us

We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services, and we are committed to exceeding their expectations in every way possible.

Our Mission

To deliver world-class market research solutions that are innovative, trustworthy, and accessible to all. We are committed to providing a single source of truth to empower leaders in making sound strategic business decisions. Our goal is to provide our customers with the tools they need to succeed in today's data-driven world.

We're building the modern.

MySayToday believes every organization should have access to Insights Community+ Experience Management software that is affordably priced. Enabling speed of real-time data, and accurate insights for effective decision-making. Our innovative software is a core component to support the Public and Private sectors in their day-to-day market research and online community needs.


Year we were founded


Engagement of active users


Customer Love

Our approach

Trusted Partner

We support organizations seeking to be ahead of the curve in the evolving landscape of eCommerce. It’s through the software and people that are the center of our business.

If you're looking for a versatile research tool that will help you get the most out of your data, you need MySayToday. Our powerful software offers a wide range of features and options to simplify your work, increase efficiency, and accelerate your progress.

The human element

What's our secret? Great people.

At MySayToday, we believe that diversity is one of our greatest strengths. We have team members from all around the globe, with different backgrounds and perspectives. This allows us to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our clients.

We are a virtual first company, built for remote work and collaboration. Our team is made up of go-getters who are passionate about their work and committed to finding innovative solutions for our clients. We are confident that together we can achieve anything.

Our values

Why us


We keep customers at the heart of everything we do. We believe in a positive customer experience at every stage of the customer journey.

Why us


We thrive in an environment built on transparency, trust, and mutual respect for both our team, partners, and clients.

Why us


We care deeply about our work, supplying excellent customer service, and delivering the best results to our clients.

Why us


To make a ground-breaking change and deliver excellence for our customers, colleagues, and communities.

Why us

Continuous Learning

We are passionate about learning and seek to constantly improve and innovate. We learn from others and from our challenges and successes.

Why us

Inclusive Culture

We acknowledge each other’s differences, and expertise, and find unity in contributing towards shared business goals.

Trusted By


Geordie Adams

Founder and President

Rochelle Rondon

Vice President

James Hansen

Lead Developer

Adam Coleman

VP of Client Accounts

Get in Touch

Are you interested in our Enterprise plan? We can tailor and customize your market research. Talk to one of our experts today!

At MySayToday, we want to transform business resiliency. We believe every company should have access to Affordable Insights. Is your company prepared for the modern and agile research strategy? Connect with us and we can show you how to engage with your customers and employees.
Geordie Adams
Founder and CEO, MySayToday